Friday 14 December 2012


  1. A bit of snow on the roofs... It's much more in Romania, including Bucharest.

    But is it very cold?

    We've been 'enjoying' Siberian temperatures in Romania for the past days.

    Minus 31 degrees Celsius, -22, and -20 in areas where it's usually very cold in winter, but also -18 in Bucharest, which is not so common.

  2. Hi Bogdan
    Seems blogger deleted my own comment!

    Anyway, didn't know Romania was so cold. It is quite far south.

  3. Well, this are 'continental' extremes that 'islanders' like you are not aware of.

    The weather is not as extreme as in Russia or the American Midwest & the Great Lakes area - with +30 in the summer and -20 in winter - but it can still be pretty cold.

    Now things seem to be getting better: not very, rare snowflakes...
