Saturday, 30 May 2015

January Cat

Outside the frost and lethal chill from Siberia, darkness, stars, snow and dead deciduous trees. Yet does not a cat always live partially in summers to come and summers that have gone? My cat who purrs in the darkness when I put the light out and who snuggles on my hand. How much worse a January night without a cat's paw touching my hand in the darkness.

Blue we see in dreams

Thursday, 14 May 2015

At the Sea

When we have been in the sea, we feel like we have slept sleep that is more relaxing than any real sleep, we have been wrapped in sheets softer than any silk, we have worn shoes more comfortable than any real shoes and we have dreamt dreams more fantastic than any that come to us at night.

Friday, 8 May 2015

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Memories of Dead Flowers

The last time I remember seeing this tree blossoming, its cast off petals were swirling around a pink doll's house, which had been smashed and left on the pavement with sharp splinters and rusty nails sticking out of its damaged walls. Like the brain of a utilitarian I'd have said.